Photogrammetry Services:
Aerial triangulation:
Aerial triangulation Photography Control:
Aerial triangulation is used for estimating the
exterior orientation parameters associated with each image in the block and for
determining the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the tie points. A bundle block
adjustment is being used to perform aerial triangulation. Additionally, the
interior orientation parameters associated with a camera (or cameras) can be
recovered using an extension to the bundle block adjustment referred to as the
self-calibrating bundle adjustment Aerial Triangulation represents .
<%--Airborne and Terrestrial LiDAR Processing--%>
<%-- Aerial triangulation Photography and Control --%>
We use of our relationships across the globe to have aerial photography
acquisition and GPS Control done by in-country aerial mapping companies to
client specifications. Using in-country resources makes the process of
clearances simpler, and local knowledge makes certain the planning takes into
consideration key local factors like micro weather, security concerns,
etc.Photogrammetry compilation software. This software allows for the generation
of Stereomates using the LiDAR intensity data.
<%--Airborne and Terrestrial LiDAR Processing
Aerial triangulation Photography and Control
We use of our relationships across the globe to have aerial photography acquisition and GPS Control done by in-country aerial mapping companies to client specifications. Using in-country resources makes the process of clearances simpler, and local knowledge makes certain the planning takes into consideration key local factors like micro weather, security concerns, etc.
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<%-- Airborne and Terrestrial LiDAR Processing
Feature Extraction from Terrestrial LiDAR Data
Oasis uses DATEM’s Summit Evolution as our Photogrammetry compilation software. This software allows for the generation of Stereomates using the LiDAR intensity data. The stereo pairs are then used to capture breaklines in 3D wherever value addition to the data is necessary.
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