<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="planimetric service.aspx.cs" Inherits="Planimetric_Service" %> Oasis
Oasis Geosolution Private Limited

Planimetric Services:

Planimetric Mapping:

Planimetric Mapping

Planimetric mapping digitally captures cultural and natural features in their true coordinate positions, depicting them to scale on our maps. These features include: road edges and centerlines, driveways, curbs and gutters, culverts, water and storm drainage features, utility access covers, utility poles, guard rails, signs, fences, trails and vegetation. Features can be extracted in either two-dimensional or three-dimensional formats.GIS Mapping Solutions has witnessed an explosion of new GIS users. Maps may be found for a location by selecting the county tax map grid




Maps record the geographical information that is fundamental to reconstructing past places, whether town, region, or nation. Historical maps often hold information retained by no other written source, such as place-names, boundaries, and physical features that have been modifi ed or erased by modern development. Historical maps capture the attitudes of those who made them and represent worldviews of their time. A map’s degree of accuracy tells us much about the state of technologyand scientifi c understanding at the time of its creation.

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The digital orthophoto process transforms a vertical aerial photograph into the equivalent of a traditional map. Yet it retains the advantages of a photograph—visually displaying actual cultural and land features, and the built environment, rather than representing those features using symbols and lines.



The digital orthophoto process transforms a vertical aerial photograph into the equivalent of a traditional map. Yet it retains the advantages of a photograph—visually displaying actual cultural and land features, and the built environment, rather than representing those features using symbols and lines. Back

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